Cummins and Dodge have been collaborating for over 30 years. It’s one of the most mutually successful business partnerships in the automotive industry. Cummins supplies the diesel engine found in Dodge’s ¾ ton and larger pickup trucks. Cummins basically saved the Dodge truck from going extinct in the late eighties. The first Cummins-powered Dodge truck featured the 5.9L i6 (inline-6) engine. The i6 came with a Holset H1C fixed geometry turbo. With 160 hp and 400 lb-ft of torque, it was way ahead of the competition at the time.

The 5.9 Cummins was also known for its durability. Equipped with a cast-iron block and forged steel rods, the Cummins i6 was able to handle the power from the diesel engines 359 cubic inches of displacement.

Surprisingly, the 5.9L Cummins was not initially developed to be used in a truck. The original plan was to use the 5.9L in Case agricultural equipment. Instead, Dodge struck up a deal with Cummins and the rest is history.

Browse our categories below to find the 1st generation 5.9L Cummins parts you need to repair your truck or to make it outperform the others. Shop at ProSource Diesel. We are “Where the Repair Shops Shop” for diesel truck parts.

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