(ICP) Injection Control Pressure Sensor

Ford’s 7.3 Powerstroke is not free of electrical issues, especially when it comes to its sensors and wiring. One of the most renowned problems is a failing 7.3 Powerstroke cam sensor. When faulty, the camshaft position sensor causes the engine to not start or cut out during operation without warning. To determine if the CPS has gone bad, you can try to crank the engine and see if the tachometer moves. If the needle doesn’t budge, the CPS has failed. The injection control power sensor is also known to make the engine cut out and run rough. This issue can be diagnosed by unplugging the 7.3 ICP sensor to see if the problem persists. If the engine starts to run normally with the sensor unplugged, then it has gone bad. Now with at least two decades of use, a 7.3’s wiring system can become problematic also. The wiring’s tape and insulation can erode and leave exposed wires, causing grounding issues, among other problems. ProSource Diesel offers everything you need to replace your 7.3 Powerstroke’s sensors and wiring.

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