
An engine is only as effective as its transmission. With a 5.9L Cummins 24V engine, you need a 5.9 Cummins transmission which is capable of handling everything the engine can produce and transferring it onto the vehicle’s drive train. While it may sound like a single object, a transmission is actually a pretty complex system.

To start with there are two main kinds of transmission. A 5.9 Cummins automatic transmission will handle gear changes for the driver. Drivers who prefer more control may want to consider finding a Dodge Cummins 6-speed transmission for sale. While automatics are easier to drive, the transmission system itself is more complex. When driving a manual, you can dip the clutch
to stop the engine from stalling when you’re at a standstill. With automatics, that job is taken out of the driver’s hand and is the responsibility of something called the 5.9 Cummins torque converter.

Then there are the Dodge Cummins transmission cooler lines, which are an often overlooked part of the system. The lines take transmission fluid to the 5.9 Cummins transmission cooler, where it is able to lose some heat and maintain an ideal operating temperature. In smaller vehicles, the transmission cooler’s job is handled by the radiator. Larger engines like the 5.9L Cummins 24V require dedicated oil and transmission coolers.

If the transmission cooling system is damaged, you may develop a transmission fluid leak. Transmission fluid is vital for lubrication and cooling. It also provides hydraulic pressure to certain parts in the system. So if there is a leak in the transmission cooler lines, or at the transmission cooler itself, the affected parts must be replaced as quickly as possible.

A well-maintained transmission can function perfectly for more than 300,000 miles. Transmission leak , along with an insufficient maintenance schedule, can see the part’s lifespan decrease drastically. A poorly maintained transmission could develop severe problems in as little as 100,000 miles. At this point, you could purchase a Dodge Cummins transmission rebuild kit and attempt to restore the transmission to its former functionality. Another option is to opt for a 5.9 Cummins transmission upgrade and attach a better transmission to your engine.

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