Fuel Tank & Accessories

Fuel is extremely volatile, so it’s important to use the right equipment when transporting it or your trip could end in disaster. A regular fuel tank, such as the Cummins fuel tank, the vehicle itself will draw from this tank to keep its engines going. If you want to transport additional fuel you will need a specialized fuel transfer tank or diesel transfer tank. Transfer tanks can be used for more than simply storing fuel during transportation.

A fuel transfer tank with a pump can be used to provide additional fuel and increase the range a vehicle can travel without stopping to fill up. Additional tanks come in many sizes and can be fitted in several places — with one of the more discrete options being a spare tire auxiliary fuel tank. So if your standard Cummins 6.7 fuel tank isn’t meeting your needs, you can up the capacity without altering your vehicle or drastically reducing its storage space.

If you’ve opted to use a fuel transfer tank as a source of extra diesel, your system may need a fuel distribution block to help make sure the fuel goes where it needs to go. A Cummins fuel tank sump is another vital part of the system. Sitting below the main or auxiliary tank, a fuel tank sump traps dirt, debris, and water, which reduces the chances of contaminants making it into the Cummins 6.7 fuel system.

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