TrackTech Injector Puller Kit
2001-2004 6.6L Chevrolet Duramax LB7
This tool has been designed to remove the diesel injectors from GM vehicles produced from 2001 to 2004 with an LB7 Duramax engine. Over time and miles, the injectors become heavily coated with carbon between the tip and sleeve causing them to stick together. When using a factory tool it rocks the injector binding it into the sleeve and will only pop up about 1/16” by the time the injector is removed from the head the sleeve will likely be loosened or removed with the injector causing additional work and time spent replacing the sleeves. The 11700 will pull the injector straight out the full length of the nozzle tip without rocking this reduces the possibility of unwanted sleeve removal saving up to 1/2 hr. per sleeve that comes out, if a sleeve does come out the forked tool is used to gently remove the sleeve from the injector without damage so it can be reused saving money on new sleeves and again more time either waiting for new parts or just another trip to the parts department.
- Pulls injector straight
- Pulls far enough to completely remove a stuck injector
- Saves time by reducing the likelihood of loosening the sleeves
- Removes sleeve from injector without damage
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